
Beliefs and Habits

Beliefs and Habits

Beliefs and Habits

Your beliefs and habits affect everything in your life. From what you do, to how you choose what you buy. *Beliefs are filters that tell you what to look for, and it is important to have the correct beliefs so they support you in your quest for what you want.

Beliefs come in various forms there are beliefs about who you are, about what things mean, and about causes and effects. Beliefs can become self-fulfilling prophecies. It is so easy to fall into the victim mentality. The truth is that you can choose to be proactive with your health, you can get the best help you can, and also do little routines that will help you.

Most of all you need belief to sustain this effort since there is no warranty that any of this will work. you need to regain faith in your own body and let him do the repair work.

“One of the biggest obstacles we face is the belief that the eyes can not improve only get worse”.

Beliefs and habits can be changed. Since a new belief will cause us to act differently, we will improve in that area affected by the new beliefs we have.

Resistance to Change

You need to recognize what beliefs you have in different areas. Also you need to pay the price for change. Many people want to change but this doesn’t work, there will always be resistance to change, resistance works that way. Resistance is that little voice in your head that doesn’t want you to grow, always a victim of bad luck. Trust in yourself and do what you feel is right to improve.


We believe we choose most of our actions but in reality, they are an accumulation of habits. This is true for our daily routines. That is something we need to be aware of in case we are doing something detrimental to our vision. Bad habits like squinting and not cleaning properly your contacts can impact your vision and comfort, we need to realize that we can improve our vision by improving our habits.

Habits are automatic and allow us to ride a bike or make a phone call without having to learn how to do it every time. Neurology can be overridden with effort, but we must make a conscious effort to do that change. Once the new habit is in place the old one diminishes its influence in our behavior. It never vanishes completely, waiting for a moment of weakness to surfacing back. This moment usually happens when a personal crisis like unemployment appears.

Habits are important because we want to get used to a routine with our lenses, we want to thoroughly clean and disinfect our contacts. Pay attention to any discomfort, redness or discharge in our eyes or eyelids.

Bad vision habits are difficult to stop because they are largely unconscious, actually stopping squinting can require a lot to effort to realize what you are doing. Relaxing your neck and face muscles can help you to have better vision. Abdominal breathing can aid to improve your body posture and physiology so you are more relaxed. Sometimes it is just bad habits that we don’t see.

Good Luck.

Heriberto R.

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