Keratoconus what to do
Keratoconus Keratoconus what to do

The purpose of this article is to generate awareness of the phenomenon of ophthalmic degenerative diseases like keratoconus, and the importance of discovering how we use our eyes, and what we can do apart from getting lenses or other treatments to try to improve our condition.

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Keratoconus natural treatment
Treatment Keratoconus natural treatment

Have you heard about keratoconus cross-linking? What if we carry out a Keratoconus natural treatment by consuming riboflavin (vitamin B-2) orally and getting exposure to infrared sunlight by going outdoors?

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Caloric Restriction in Keratoconus
India Caloric Restriction in Keratoconus

Caloric restriction Caloric restriction has been proved in laboratory studies as the only way of extending the lifespan of rats[1], in other words, those that eat all they want to die faster than those who have a restrictive diet.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine
China Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on the great principle of Yin and Yang, Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the most famous health systems used in the world today.

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