
Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Based on the great principle of Yin and Yang, Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the most famous health systems used in the world today. Traditional Chinese Medicine principles are simple and elegant.

The great principle of Ying/Yang

Everything we experience comes from nature, the weather, and even our own health is a reflection of this balance. When we are out of balance disease appears, the great principle tells us that we need balance in our life, however, that is not all. Chinese medicine goes further describing the human body in terms of Yin/Yang interactions between organs and energy systems, creating the basis of differential diagnosis thousands of years ago.

Branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine

This type of medicine has evolved over thousands of years and includes branches like Herbology, Acupuncture (inserting needles), Moxibustion (heat therapy), Chi-Kung (moving meditation), tui-na (massage), and many techniques to treat almost any ailment the human body suffers.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is useful in treating many conditions, I have used all these techniques with success, but they are really helpful in combination with better nutrition, lowering stress, and all the other healthy recommendations on this site. This type of medicine is based on clinical experience on millions of people over a long period of time, this can give you peace of mind that won’t hurt you at all.

The philosophy behind Chinese Medicine

TCM is based on the idea that the body is a microcosm of the universe around us, it has logic and rules. Can be understood, takes time, experimentation, and willingness to learn. Traditional Chinese Medicine is helpful and works to help your own body to heal. Its objective is to balance your body’s energy systems and can be used in conjunction with regular medicine, Homeopathy, India’s Ayurveda medicine, and nutrition.

Read more about it in this post: Chinese herbal formulas


Traditional Chinese Medicine is helpful, safe, and fun and it works to help your own body to heal, not suppressing symptoms. Traditional Chinese Medicine lets you become your own doctor at home since its emphasis is on herbal therapy.

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